Sunday, January 29, 2012

Island Waves Community Center, January 29th

Jessica Filkins and Jaclyn Brannon Working together on Mural

Devon Bootle Working on Center Piece 

In front of the Island Waves Community Center with local Artist Devon and Center Coordinator Garnell. 

Today we worked along side Island Wave community member Devon painting murals for the interior entrance space in the building. The murals consisted of island scenes giving the space a peaceful, calm, vibrant and relaxed feeling.

We held a small class today, teaching students how to create paper boxes. It was raining for most of the day, which scared a few of our students off. However we had a very successful intimate group of 5 boys, who were very excited to see our work with the murals and were intrigued on how to make boxes without using glue! The point of this lesson was to show the students how to create something that one can use out of something very common.